Usage ======== Installing ----------- First you have to open your terminal and cd to the root directory of your project. .. code-block:: text C:\jstarstuff\myproject> The contents of your folder might look something like this: .. code-block:: text myproject script.jsr ... Now run something like this: .. code-block:: bash jpm install What just happened? We used jpm to install something! Lets go over the command part by part. The jpm calls jpm. The install part is the type of action that jpm will do. It can be install or uninstall. The last part is the url. This is what you want to download. Importing ---------- Now after you installed the package you can import it to your scripts. Lets say that your file structure looks like this after the install of test-package: .. code-block:: text myproject script.jsr jpm testpackage config.json script.jsc ... ... Now inside of your script.jsr, you can import the package like this: .. code-block:: python import jpm.testpackage.script The import command shows the path to script.jsc Uninstalling: ---------------- Now lets see how to uninstall a package: .. code-block:: jpm uninstall testpackage See how we used the package name instead of the link.