Developer Guide ==================== What to learn how to code a J* package that can be installed by JPM? Well if you do, lets get started. First you want to make your package. After you coded it you want to compile your source files. Check the `Official J* Docs `_ to learn how to compile After that you eed to set up your configuration file. Make a file called config.json. Inside of it put the following code: .. code-block:: json { "Name": "testpackage", "Version": "1.2.9", "Description": "A package that is very useful. (Never mind, it's useless)" } You can put the name of your package in the "Name" Section. Put the version of your package in the version section. Type your deception in the description section. Now you need to zip your project up. .. image:: zip.png :width: 800 :alt: How to Zip .. note:: You need to highlight the files, then zip them up. Do not highlight the folder. Your done! Upload your zip some where and let people use JPM!